Our Sweet and Simple Nursery
Currently we rent a small little home and it’s safe to say we don’t have an endless amount of room, however it is quaint in it’s own charming way and I’m know I will look back on our time here with such fondness! We plan to build in a few years but we didn’t want to put off growing our family until then so we decided to put a little nursery in the small pushout part in our bedroom! I have to say I am really loving this small little space and really you don’t need all that much room for a nursery anyways! So I figured I would share all of the details of the room and link the items below just incase anything catches your eye! I wanted the nursery to have a calming fresh feel. Simple but girly and to have an idyllic feel to it. I’m sure I will add some details here and there as time goes on and she grows but for right now this space is just what we need. I especially am loving the wallpaper and leather rocker, I will definitely be using this rocker after for another living space since it is so versatile! I also absolutely love the mirror in her room and pretty much want it in every single size. However, the little details have been so sweet to stop and look at and I’m enjoying the simplicity. I love her simple little bookshelves and her little basket of handpicked stuffed animals. The sweet little things that make it homey!🐰✨
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