So I have not blogged AT ALL in months. It was so much harder than I thought to prioritize blogging in this new momma life! However, I have been asked a lot recently about restarting and its been a kick in the butt and encouragement for me to do it again. This time more often and a little less extensive. I think I found it overwhelming when I was taking days to put together hours of research and links with a baby pulling on my leg. This time I vow to make it more fun and less painful. I love to write and share with all of my fellow friends! I hope you like reading it too! After all it's the simple life moments and thoughts that connect us all on a daily basis anyways!
So today's topic. Sunshine. We are all thinking about it! It's okay if you're a tad bit obsessing over it. Our brains need it. Six months with such little sun has had an affect on me for sure! On days where it warms up ten degrees and the sun is shining I am practically skipping and thinking thoughts of rainbows and butterflies! Tell me I am not alone here.
We all get that urge to travel around this time of year. You know that itching feeling to just get out, see new places, new people, new memories. Spring is shortly upon us. The excitement to smell those first blades of grass. Nothing makes me happier than the fresh blooms of spring blowing into your car windows and hearing the sound of lawn mowers as you wind down the back roads. Not that some of us, including myself, don't have wanderlust issues all year round! There is just something about this particular time that has almost all of us dreaming.
Not only does this time of year spark journeys into our wishlist, it also sparks the need for a reboot, a spring cleaning of sorts. No not only with our homes, but with out wardrobes! I'm not saying that money or things can bring true happiness but it can bring a sense of change into a mundane every day life. It's a part of who we are. Our style, our food choices, our homes, our travels of choice, all bring an identity and uniqueness to each of us. By no means should these things become the core center of who we are of course, they are just mere accessories of us. That being said I feel like travel and style become one. Style has a sense of inspiring us to Go, Do, Be!
I've recently come to appreciate style in a whole new way! How beautiful it is in this new era of fashion to make beautiful products ethically! There is a sense of pride in it, to know something is made with care, intent, and is environmentally aware. One of these new companies I've recently discovered in this new search of ethical fashion is Eve Cork. I am always skeptical of the authenticity and quality of companies. However, when receiving their products I was blown away by how soft to the touch, sturdy, and beautiful it was! Honestly, the wallet and makeup bag ( not shown) are my favorite! Pink is always a plus, am I right?!
Now you may be wondering, " How do these two topics of travel and bags intertwine Paige "? Good question! I'll be honest I recently have bought more bags in my life than ever before with being a new Momma! With that I have found this. That there is something about a new bag hanging on your wall that inspires you. Makes you think, this bag wasn't made to sit in my room, on my wall, in a picture alone to pretend I actually do something. It gives you this urge to take it with you. On an adventure, to a new cafe, on a day out with the girls, traveling abroad with your lover, or maybe just to the park with your little. It may seem like an overstretch of the imagination or reading too into something as simple as a bag. I admit I am a bit of a romanticizer, but these simple realizations and little moments fill each of our daily lives. I try to take each little thought and act on it in some way. Do I always? No! But turning something as simple as a new bag into the moments that make you look back and smile? Why not?
I have been planning a lot of little trips this summer and have been trying to plan ahead for longer trips in the future. Jesse and I will be venturing out to Colorado to see my good ole pal, Sarah, in June which I am beyond excited about. I also am debating trying out a test run of leaving the baby and taking a little weekend getaway to whale watch in Boston. Wish us luck with leaving the babe, this will be our first time! I also am hoping to venture abroad again within the next year or so, possibly next summer. I have been having a very hard time deciding between Italy, France, Germany, and Austria! So help me out if you have any information or preference! Of course, I will have to bring some bags with me! What's an adventure without a good bag to accompany you ?!
Tell me! What adventures do you have planned for this spring/summer OR what are your personal favorite places to go?! Please share I would LOVE to know!!
Maybe this pretty pink town below might brighten your day and inspire your travels! It's one of my favorite places of all time. Quaint, classy, and stunning. Not to mention it's the ultimate foodie town. Just how I like it.
Charleston, SC